Shabbat Stroll

Shabbat Shalom. TGIF. Weekend kick-off. Today is Friday. Feeling in need of a mental detox post-work and pre-weekend, I decided to walk along The High Line. In college as a Project Wildcat counselor, I led groups of incoming freshman on multi-day backpacking trips through Minnesota. We encouraged our campers to go on a solo hike or a pair hike. This was one of the only times on the trip when they had the chance to really decompress, reflect, get to know themselves or another person, and just be. On my solo hike in this urban jungle of New York City I did just that. Lots of thoughts crossed my mind. I decided I wanted to become a famous Instagram personality. And take a photography class. And buy an apartment. And move to Australia. And become a regular at some hip NYC restaurant. Those are a few of the many ideas that sprouted on my walk. I relished this time to just let go and let be. The thought that...