[Cleanseeeeeeeeeeeeee]. Extended Cleanse.

Dear friends and family and readers,

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I love Juice Press.  I really cannot get enough of it.  There is a Juice Press on Mott Street that I tend to walk by quite frequently, and I've been known to walk past it and turn around to go pick up a bottle of their delicious juices.  Why am I so obsessed?  That's a really good question.  I think a few factors are involved.

  1. 99% of the juices I've tasted are DEEEE-licious.
  2. They are constantly adding new juice flavors to their arsenal so I am always able to try something new.
  3. Their "propaganda" is laugh out loud funny and I use the "You're a Pig" piece as a bookmark.
  4. Ginger Fireball.
  5. They offer a variety of raw foods including (some of my favorites) a marinated kale salad, chia seed pudding, falafel, and delicious "cheese"cakes and pies.  
  6. Juice Press epitomizes a healthy lifestyle brand and they are not trying to push some agenda on their customers.  At the end of the day they just want people to be happy. (And to buy Juice Press.)
  7. I like juice!

I've been actively following the JP happenings for about a year and in January I became fascinated with their Graphic Designer, Heidi, that embarked on a 31 day cleanse.  Cleansing for 31 days?!!?! It seemed crazy.

Well, to keep a long story short, in the past 2 months I've had a number of things that have caused me to consider doing an extended juice cleanse.  Lots of gluten, lots of alcohol, and lots of my body just yelling at me.  More difficult than deciding to do an extended cleanse was figuring out when to do it.  My close friends know that there is rarely a free night in my calendar and between happy hours, dinners, and weekend foodie adventures, I'm often discovering and eating food in many social settings.  Would I have to put a complete pause on my social life in order to give this a shot?  Some would probably say yes.  However, I've decided to embark on an extended cleanse for 3 weeks (mainly because I'm going to New Orleans in May and cannot travel with juices) with the idea that in the 2 weeks following the mostly juice cleanse, I will eat a raw food diet.  

Yes, I know this sounds crazy.  BUT....I have also decided to adapt the cleanse to how I'm feeling. Part of this adventure is getting really in tune with my body and understanding what it needs.  If I feel like I need something more hearty, I will opt for a smoothie or a raw food salad.  This is not about deprivation, but really about filling my body with goodness.

Monday, April 21st begins my journey.  As I mentioned, I plan to incorporate Juice Press' raw foods into my regimen and I feel very fortunate to have contacts at various Juice Press stores that have offered to help me along the journey. 

Because I want to document this experience, I will be blogging and Tweeting and Instagramming as I go.  What do I hope to get out of this process?  A more profound understanding of my relationship with food, a rejuvenated and revitalized digestive system, a chance to mentally, physically, and emotionally challenge myself, and an opportunity to be able to say "I did it!!!!".

I realize that some may criticize my decision and I am happy to entertain those criticisms and discuss accordingly.



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