
In a world of digital, the newest / latest / greatest app is always of interest to me. When Snapchat came out a few years ago, I had a lot of questions. Was it just for sending illicit photos? I used it primarily for sending my sister and close friends the ugliest selfies I could come up with. I found it hilarious. I got bored and deleted the app (although my account remained active). In December, over lunch at Bluestone Lane Cafe (GO THERE IF YOU HAVE YET TO!) I whipped out my phone for the #basic #brunch #avotoast #foodporn Instagram. I commented to my friend, Lisa, that she had not posted to Instagram in many months. "I I do everything on Snapchat." Excuse me?! Tell me more. Lisa explained to me the ins and outs of Snapchat. I learned about stories and things disappearing in 24 hours and the chat function and filters. This could be fun. So, I re-downloaded Snapchat and began. I'm hooked. Why do I like Snapchat...